Rumors of the Tea Party’s death have been greatly exaggerated

The MainStreamMedia would have us believe that the Tea Party movement has become a non-factor in the political process; that it’s fizzled, fallen out of favor, retired in defeat. Lefties tend to be either oblivious or willfully blind. And because they live in a morally relativist world where everyone is free to embrace their own “truth,” they fail to grasp transcendent Truth.
From the moment theTea Party emerged, the Left saw only what their misguided worldview allowed them to see: a bunch of “racist-sexist-bigot-homophobes” from “fly-over country.” Rather than honestly address the message, they attacked the messenger – with a vengeance.
That’s their standard M.O. – but this time things didn’t quite play out they way they’d hoped. They forgot Sun Tzu’s corollary: ”know your enemy.” They never bothered to act like real journalists and find out what Tea Partiers believed in and what the movement was really all about:
• The Constitution, and the Republic it created
• One nation under God
• The rule of law
• Smaller government – much smaller
In short, America’s founding principles.
Much like the original Boston Tea Party, the 21st century version was a wake-up call – get the message out: “The county’s on the wrong track!” In the movement’s early days, millions across the country attended rallies, and realized… they weren’t alone! Energizing!
Since then, the Tea Party’s been focused on effectively spreading their message: organizing into hundreds of large and small groups, supporting local candidates, talking to friends and neighbors, communicating via email, blogs and social media.
And, psssst – don’t tell the MSM, but it’s working.
One of the Lefts’ favorite targets for vilification has been Sarah Palin, the conservative they love to hate. But as they’ve done with the Tea Party, they underestimated Palin’s ability to not only withstand their attacks, but to come back even stronger.
The poor MSM must be apoplectic over recent election results – all their best efforts at indoctrination seem to have fallen short. The Tea Party is taking on the Left – and the Republican establishment. And winning. As this article at Breitbart plainly illustrates: The Palin Effect: Tea Party Flexes Muscle.
First was the good news in Indiana:

On May 8, six-term establishment Republican Senator Richard Lugar lost his primary in Indiana to Richard Mourdock, who had been backed by various Tea Party groups and organizations. Mourdock trounced Lugar, receiving 60 percent of the vote to Lugar’s 40.
Mourdock had strong backing from the grassroots, but it was Palin’s endorsement days before the primary that effectively administered the coup de grace to Lugar and the GOP establishment. Four hours after Palin’s endorsement, the establishment Republican group, American Action Network, which had pledged to spend nearly $600,000 for Lugar in the last days of the election, saw the writing on the wall and abruptly pulled out of Indiana.

Then yesterday, in Nebraska’s primary, state Senator Deb Fischer scored a huge upset victory over establishment Republican Attorney General Jon Bruning and state Treasurer Don Stenberg. Just endorsed by Palin on May 9th, Sen. Fischer zoomed from 3rd place in only a few days to win the nomination.

Next up is Ted Cruz in Texas. The state’s former Solicitor General is supported by many conservative politicians and organizations including FreedomWorks and Senators like Jim DeMint, Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Pat Toomey – as well as “The Great One:” Mark Levin! (Cruz was just on Levin’s show yesterday – May 15th. You can catch the replay HERE. This guy’s middle name should be “Tea Party!”)
But – as the Breitbart story continues – although Cruz had cut Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst’s lead in the polls in half over the course of the year;

Cruz still trailed him by 12 points in the most recent poll conducted.
Then, last Thursday, Palin endorsed Cruz and gave the campaign more statewide buzz and name identification. Cruz’s Campaign Manager John Drogin told Breitbart News that the difference in intensity before and after Palin’s endorsement is like the difference in the temperature of Venus and the Sun, respectively.
“Phones are ringing off the hook, volunteers are signing up, and social networks are buzzing,” Drogin said.
Based on the boost Mourdock and Fischer received immediately after Palin’s endorsement, Cruz will probably get a similar surge in his poll numbers as Texas begins its early voting period today leading up to the May 31st primary.


And even more good news – from Wisconsin; it’s definitely looking like Governor Scott Walker may survive the recall election next month. Especially with the Democratic National Committee cutting its funding: DNC Pulling Out of Wisconsin Recall.
The Tea Party may have evolved, but our core principles haven’t. We’re still out here. Our numbers are growing, and we’re getting the message out. And now we’re seeing the Truth resonating with our fellow Americans at ballot boxes across the country. Awesome!
The MSM is still clueless. But let’s hope they stay that way until November 7th. Then maybe they can all move to Europe. 😀
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