What’s Up With “W”?

Either George W. Bush has lost his cable connection on the ranch for the last year and a half – or he’s lost his marbles! Maybe Crawford, Texas is another Area 51. How else do we explain his recent detachment from reality?
Via Reuters, here’s Bush speaking at an event in Dallas on Tuesday about that deadly debacle now known as the “Arab Spring”:

Bush, who launched the 2003 invasion of Iraq that deposed Saddam Hussein, called the Arab Spring “the broadest challenge to authoritarian rule since the collapse of Soviet communism.”
“There are no guarantees, and there will certainly be setbacks,” he said in a speech in Washington. “But if America does not support the advance of democratic 😯 institutions and values, who will?”
Bush dismissed the arguments of those who saw inherent risks in democratic change in the Middle East and North Africa and felt the United States should be content “with supporting the flawed leaders they know in the name of stability.”
“It is not realistic to presume that so-called stability enhances our national security,” he said.

How is it that old George is blissfully unaware of the surge in anti-Semitism, and the increasing persecution of Christians in the Middle East? That the “Arab Spring” has become a nightmare for non-Muslims?
Does he think Egypt’s Muslim-Brotherhood is just a bunch of good old boys? He must have missed the Egyptian poll, released just the day before he made these naive remarks:

61 percent of Egyptian respondents favor abandoning the Egypt-Israel peace treaty, up from 54 percent a year ago.
The poll, by the Pew Global Attitudes Project, also finds a small decline among Egyptians in favorable views of the United States – now just 19 percent – while 61 percent of respondents said the billions of dollars the U.S. gives their country in military and economic aid has a “mostly negative” impact.

Among other findings:

–Asked whether Egypt’s laws should strictly adhere to the Qur’an, 60 percent said yes while 32 percent said it should follow the values and principles of Islam and only six percent said laws should not be influenced by the teachings of the Qur’an.
— Seventy percent of respondents viewed the Muslim Brotherhood favorably, down from 75 percent in 2011. The Muslim Brotherhood’s political wing, the Freedom and Justice Party, also received the highest support rating among political parties, 56 percent.

Does that sound like democracy?! I’m hearing definite strains of “authoritarian rule.”
The Egypt-Israel treaty, signed in 1979 (a result of the ’78 Camp David peace accords), has been primarily responsible for the relative peace between those two nations for decades. It’s been the model for U.S. mediation between Israel and its Arab neighbors. The fact that a majority of Egyptians want to ditch it could well be disastrous for the entire region.

What is it with these establishment Republicans? No matter how “severely conservative” they may claim to be, they just don’t get it.
Hey George: Please stick with the good stuff you’ve been doing – and don’t burden us with your misguided opinions on international events.
MORON: Bush Praises Arab Spring; George W. – Father of Islamic “Democracy’ ~ Whoa! How does Debbie Schlussel really feel about Bush’s comments?

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