Youthful Disconnect


If you’ve had much interaction with today’s young people you may have come to the same disconcerting conclusion that I have; a large percentage of American youth seem to be losing touch with common sense, logic, transcendent truth – heck – with reality itself.

In an earlier era we would have blamed the “parental units” for not raising ‘em right. But these days, up against the public education system, main stream media outlets and the entertainment industry, parents barely stand a chance. According to Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh (who used to be a teacher) ~

Terrible public school teachers with personal agendas fail the young minds and society by using their influence and power to inculcate socialism and revisionist history onto the unchartered and unmapped brains of their students. Such teachers diminish and denigrate our common Christian roots while glorifying Islam.

And, I would add, undo much of the grounding Christian conservative parents try to give them in reality.

… it is easy to sell them anything because they confuse feelings with rational thought. They are told so often and so early in life that they are “special,” that they form a distorted view of themselves.
Undeserved praise is layered at every opportunity, even when Johnny walks across the stage without tripping. We can’t possibly hurt his self-esteem. Competition is evil, it is bourgeois, everybody knows we are “equal,” nobody is (exceptional) in any way; we are all born with the same IQ, same abilities, mental capacity, intelligence, talent, no genetic irregularities whatsoever. Why even try to learn, compete, be the best that you can be and achieve excellence? Those are capitalist values.

Ever since they were “invented,” sometime in mid-twentieth century, teenagers have been selfish, self-centered, superficial, and hopelessly idealistic. (I know, I was one!) Most of us used to mature our way out of those undesirable traits. Not so these days. (Witness the middle-aged folks on facebook who can’t make it through the day without their daily strokes of affirmation.)

And it is these immature young adults, conceited, yet surprisingly ignorant of how much they actually don’t know (“legends in their own minds” as it were), who are so susceptible to the leftist propaganda.

My own former students would arrive late to class, with flushed faces, filled with excitement, barely containing their happiness for having campaigned the entire day for the wonderful black man who will be president, “he is just so cool and fascinating and has a nice family.” Once elected, they were sure, America would rid itself of racism.” […]
Young people have been indoctrinated in schools to glorify other cultures, multiculturalism, and other religions to the detriment of their own “inferior” culture and religion. Yet it is our culture and Christian religion that have created Mozart, classical music, surgery, medicine, technology, space exploration, car industry, oil extraction, and pretty much anything else that brought humanity into the 21st century.


I’d like to believe that some day these “young skulls full of mush,” as Rush Limbaugh often refers to today’s youth, will wake up and see the utopian fantasies of the Left for the lies they are. Dr. Paugh is hopeful ~

In time, reality strikes young people in aha moments and wakes them up, shocks them, and perhaps transforms some into productive Americans.

I’m not so sure…


Dr. Paugh begins her article, “The Confused and Misguided Youth,” with a quote from the wonderfully insightful Thomas Sowell (whose work everyone should read). I’ll conclude with it ~

“The problem isn’t that Johnny can’t read. The problem isn’t even
that Johnny can’t think. The problem is that Johnny doesn’t know
what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.”

~ Thomas Sowell ~

Escaping Neverland ~ “You no longer have to shut your eyes and pretend you are in Neverland—it is all around you. Our society is full of lost boys and girls hanging out on the edge of adulthood.”

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