Most “transparent administration ever” refuses to release damning documents

The IRS scandal hasn’t magically gone away, even thought the mainstream media pretends so. In fact now we’re learning (from the new media) that President Obama’s fingerprints are all over this ugly abuse of power. As FrontPage Mag reports ~

More proof has emerged that President Obama is using the IRS as a weapon against his perceived enemies as the administration abruptly canceled the release of 2,500 damning documents reportedly showing that the IRS illegally shared taxpayer files with the White House.
The existence of the documents is yet more proof that Obama maintains an extensive enemies’ list and that he treats the IRS as his personal plaything while he closely collaborates with senior IRS officials who have practically taken up residence with him in the White House.
To Obama, the IRS is an instrument of political repression and taxpayer terror. Although it isn’t exactly breaking news that Obama is doing Machiavellian things with the IRS that the nearly-impeached President Nixon only fantasized about doing, hard documentary evidence of wrongdoing has been slow in coming.


FrontPage briefly summarizes this disgraceful IRS abuse ~

With Lerner taking the lead, Obama’s IRS targeted conservative “social welfare” nonprofits seeking tax-exempt status under section 501c4 of the Internal Revenue Code. Evidence establishes that hundreds of groups affiliated with the Tea Party movement were bullied and intimidated from engaging in constitutionally protected political activism. The IRS also subjected conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status to heightened scrutiny, harassment, and extended processing delays that may have hindered their activities during previous election cycles.


And now the White House merely doubles-down on deceit and deception ~

But now the Obama administration, which barely acknowledges the historic electoral whooping it received last month, has placed the 2,500 documents that are apparently not related to Lerner’s escapades in limbo as it hides behind privacy laws that are supposed to protect taxpayers, as opposed to corrupt government officials.


Since the media – and the French Republicans – will never hold the O’Ministration accountable, the lies just become bigger and bolder.

“I can tell you that, as a rule, that the Obama administration
has been very rigorous in following all of the rules and regulations
that govern proper communication between Treasury officials and
White House officials and the Internal Revenue Service.”

~ Josh (NOT)Earnest, White House Press Propaganda Secretary

This IRS scandal is Watergate on steroids. If Barack Obama were Richard Nixon he would have been impeached last year – not reelected.
A White House Connection in the IRS Scandal? ~

If true that the White House was seeking and obtained confidential taxpayer information from the IRS in stunning violation of federal law, it would further explode an already burgeoning IRS scandal.
The IRS cannot be allowed to be the political enforcement wing of the Obama Administration.

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