Join NY pro-lifers in Saturday’s “Day of Mourning”

Are you as outraged as most rational Americans about New York state’s recent approval of post-birth abortion?

The state of New York just voted to expand abortion access right up to the birth of the baby! To celebrate this unbelievable depravity they lit the One World Trade Center in pink! Women used to celebrate motherhood and find joy in their children. Today, in places like New York City, they are taking joy in destroying their children. The state of New York has crossed a line of inhumanity that should drive us to our knees.
Forty-six years of the state-sanctioned killing of our most helpless and defenseless children should cause us to weep, to mourn, and to take action. What is to be thought of a society that kills her own children? What will the future be of such a heartless society that celebrates such barbaric inhumanity?

If you oppose the unbelievable horror of infanticide, please make your opinion known this Saturday and support the efforts of Day of Mourning ~
On February 23rd ~


The group organizing this effort is also holding a protest in Albany, New York on Saturday afternoon, featuring the Benham Brothers, Elizabeth Johnston and many other pro-life advocates.

Here’s another upcoming pro-life event being planned in the Belly of the Beast – on May 4th. Something to keep in mind if you’re anywhere in the NYC area on that date ~
Focus on the Family to Host Pro-Life Event in NYC, Broadcast Live 4-D Ultrasounds of Preborn Babies on Jumbotrons ~

Focus on the Family is hosting a major pro-life event in Times Square on May 4th called “Alive in New York.” A 12-week campaign called “See Life Clearly” will lead up to the event. On that date, in one of world’s most iconic locations, the organization will broadcast live ultrasounds of babies in the womb.
Focus on the Family is calling on pro-life Americans to fill Times Square for the occasion. “It will feature live music, compelling and inspirational speakers.” Best of all, they will broadcast live 4-D ultrasounds on a digital marquee. The Christian organization hopes to show the world that “a baby inside the womb is fully human and should be given the chance to be born.”

Tragically, the Spirit of Moloch is spreading ~
Senator Ben Sasse(R-NE) Tried Putting Senators on the Record Over Stance on Infanticide. Democrats Blocked Him
Illinois Bill Would Legalize Abortions for Any Reason Up to Birth, Force Christians to Fund Them
Vermont House Approves Bill to Legalize Abortion Up to Birth, Baby “Shall Not Have Independent Rights Under Law”
Late-term abortion bills have been introduced in Virginia, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Vermont and Massachusetts
Feminist Pro-Abortion Profs: Filled With Contempt, Acting Like Gods

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