Ivanka’s work for women exposes Leftist hypocrisy


In the majority of underdeveloped countries today women are still treated as second-class citizens. They’re often victims of domestic abuse and human trafficking and are regularly prevented from owning property, getting an education, even from holding jobs. You’d think progressive feminists would be outraged about these disparities and try to improve the lives of their fellow women. And you’d think maybe they could get behind Ivanka Trump’s worthwhile efforts…

Media Ignoring Ivanka Trump Helping the Poorest Women (Rachel Alexander – The Stream 5-5-19)
(Trump) recently traveled to Africa to advance the White House’s Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative. She had to explain what WGDP does in her own op-ed on CNN.
What does WGDP do? Things the liberal media should love. The kind of things they would promote were they done by, oh, Chelsea Clinton. It seeks to reach 50 million women in the developing world by 2025. WGDP will empower women in developing countries through education and entrepreneurship. WGDP eliminates legal, regulatory and cultural barriers to women’s economic participation. It supports women in the workplace and helps them succeed as entrepreneurs. WGDP advances legal reforms to achieve gender equality. Money for the effort will come through USAID.
WGDPI includes a new landmark program called 2X Africa. It will directly invest $350 million to move over $1 billion in capital. The money will go to help women-owned, women-directed and women-supporting projects in sub-Saharan Africa.


In Cote d’Ivoire, Trump met with women who work on cocoa cooperative farms. It is backbreaking work. But the women own only 25% of the farms and nearly three in four of them are shut out from regular credit markets. This makes it difficult to secure financing. So she is providing $2 million from the U.S. to create over 300 new savings associations. This will give the women access to financing and training.


Sounds like some very admirable efforts, but the mainstream media couldn’t possibly report on anything that might reflect well on the Trump administration. As Alexander points out ~

(Ivanka) became a full-time adviser to her father in March 2017. She does not receive a paycheck. Her work is all volunteer. Does she get credit for working so hard for free? No. Of course not. “But Trump!” is what the major media say […]
Ivanka Trump could be a party girl like hotel heiress Paris Hilton. But instead she’s chosen to work for noble causes. Not only is her work mostly ignored, but attacked. That’s what Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin, who has worked closely with Ivanka on workforce development, told The Atlantic. “Ivanka could literally save an elderly woman from getting hit by a train and the people would blame her for disrupting the travel time.”


Among the limited mainstream press coverage about Ivanka’s work with WGDP was an article that grudgingly gave her some credit for her efforts, but claimed the administration is conducting a war on women because President Trump has cut U.S. funding for international abortions. That the Left would rather promote a woman’s right to kill her unborn child than help her improve her economic situation, self-esteem and overall quality of life, tells you all you need to know about the condition of their hearts and souls – and hypocrisy.
Meanwhile Cher – tolerant progressive that she is – had this to say about the president’s children last week ~ “NOT ONE OF THEM WORTH A DAMN!”

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