The latest alarmist decree from the climate change crowd is that a million species of wildlife will soon go extinct — if we don’t take drastic action immediately!
That’s what a new assessment report from the U.N. says, and the U.N. is totally trustworthy – right? Wrong. Vijay Jayaraj, who happens to have a master’s degree which focused on ecological responses to climate change, analyzed the publication ~
Like the periodic assessment reports on climate change from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the report’s primary objective seems to be to blame humans for creating chaos.
Reality suggests otherwise.
While it is not impossible for humans to drive a species to extinction, extinction has been due mostly to unregulated hunting and exploitation of specific species for trade […]
But the IPBES report blames not just hunting or habitat destruction but everyday activities of human civilization. It says the top three drivers of extinctions are land and sea use (general development, logging, mining, and harvesting), hunting and fishing (including trade), and climate change.
While I agree on hunting and habitat destruction, I have yet to identify a major land mammal that went extinct in the last 100 or even the last 10,000 years due to climate change. Moreover, both hunting and (legal) habitat destruction are declining.
Furthermore, as with other catastrophic climate predictions, this report is the result of GIGO: Garbage-In-Garbage-Out. Their alarming predictions are based on faulty climate models ~
(T)he models predict far more warming than actually observed. That means we can’t rely on them to predict future temperature. And that means we can’t rely on them to predict future species extinction driven by future temperature.
After this new U.N. Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) report came out, Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, testified at a WOW Oversight Hearing (Subcommittee on Water, Oceans, and WildlifeDate) on May 22nd, as to the overwrought nature of the findings (see below video) ~
It is quite clear that the highly-exaggerated claims of the IPBES are not so much out of concern for endangered species as they are a radical front for radical, political, social and economic transformation of our entire civilization […]
As with the manufactured “climate crisis,” they’re using the specter of mass extinction as a fear tactic to scare the public into compliance. The IPBES itself is an existential threat to sensible biodiversity conservation.
The following video from Gregory Wrightstone exposes the IPBES report for the agenda-driven propaganda it is ~
A million species face extinction? Time to burn fossil fuels to save them ~ JoNova shares some unfake news about humans’ impact on our planet ~
For the first time in human evolution we’ve reached a point where we can finally plan and save and study life on Earth. Three things we know for sure –
1. The worst pollution is in countries with a low income per capita — when people are hungry they raze forests. The most polluted cities are in places like Ghana, Ukraine, Bangladesh, Zambia, Argentina, and Nigeria. The most deforestation occurs in Brazil, Indonesia, Russia, and Mexico. The worst air is in India and China.
2. Only rich nations have the resources to save the environment.
3. Countries that produce more CO2 are richer.
‘Extinction Rebellion’ Climate Activists to Shut Down Heathrow for 10 Days in Drone Attack ~ Spurred by the IPBES report, the easily-duped green crowd is going to create chaos for a week or two simply to make a bold statement, about a totally false premise. The U.N. will be thrilled ~
The climate change activist group Extinction Rebellion is planning a series of protests using drones to shut down Heathrow Airport for 10 days in July, unless plans to expand the airport are scrapped.