WordPress: the latest member of the Internet Goon Squad

thoughtpoliceSmlrBlogging software giant WordPress has officially joined the band of leftist totalitarian tech companies currently operating with impunity as the Internet Thought Police. Google, YouTube, FaceBook and Twitter have all severely restricted the free speech of conservatives on their respective platforms, and now WordPress, which is a free and open-source content management system – and also hosts millions of sites across the web – is getting in on the act. (Which is really a shame because WordPress has been an awesome resource, making site creation easy for even the technically-challenged.)

One of the first cases of WordPress oppression that I’m aware of happened to one of my favorite blogs: Fellowship of the Minds. Outspoken, sometimes outrageous, but always courageous and unafraid of controversial topics, the authors’ motto is George Orwell’s famous statement, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
The blog has been bullied for almost a year now ~

Our suffering began on August 15, 2018, when WordPress, in the early morning, pre-dawn darkness, arbitrarily and without forewarning took down FOTM, which I had founded nearly 9 years ago in December 2009. I was told that FOTM had violated WordPress’ terms of service, but was not told exactly which term(s) of service we allegedly had violated, nor what FOTM had done that constituted such violation. This is what makes WordPress’s takedown entirely arbitrary. ~ “Dr. Eowyn”


Fellowship has migrated to another web host and is still up and running — but you never know lately. The most recent victim of the WordPress purge is Refugee Resettlement Watch ~


For twelve years Ann Corcoran has provided invaluable information about the illegal immigration crisis in this country, publishing facts, figures and the unvarnished truth about the refugee resettlement racket. I’ve linked to her blog numerous times. This video (still available for now…) is from 2015 ~


So now as the border crisis escalates, the Left can’t afford to have an honest debate on the illegal invasion, and people like Corcoran just have to be silenced (Why should we-the-sheeple actually have a right to the Truth?)! ~

Update: WordPress Did Shut Down Refugee Resettlement Watch Because They Disapproved of the Content ~
July 1, 2019 ~
No time to tell you more now.
See what I said here on Sunday. Imagine it! I was their customer for twelve years!
Just in case they shut down ‘Frauds and Crooks’ next, here is how you can reach me:
frauds.crooks.criminals@gmail.com or refugeewatchwatcher@gmail.com
I don’t want to lose you, my faithful readers, and I expect to get a new website up somewhere else, but I need to know where to find you! So if ‘Frauds and Crooks’ disappears send me your e-mail address!
As one of my friends joked—we might have to invest in mimeograph machines and postage stamps if the Speech Police continue their rampage!


The First Amendment clearly doesn’t apply on the internet anymore. Had these tech totalitarians been around in 1776 we wouldn’t have been celebrating our independence from Great Britain yesterday.


Hey! Who voted for massive “Refugee Resettlement?”
America Takes an Antifa Beating ~ Discussing the savage attack on journalist/Quillette editor Andy Ngo, Michelle Malkin wonders how much longer conservatives will be allowed to speak at all ~

(T)he social media battlegrounds, like the streets, are rigged against the law-abiding […]
Our borders have collapsed. Our educational system is a wreck. And our constitutionally protected freedoms of assembly, speech and the press are under siege in the streets and across the internet. The ability of patriots to warn, expose and combat the threats to our national sovereignty is eroding daily.

Big Tech really does hate Christian Conservatives
“Conform or Die”

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2 Responses to WordPress: the latest member of the Internet Goon Squad

  1. Dr. Eowyn says:

    Thank you for citing FOTM as one of your favorite blogs. We are most honored! Semper fidelis.

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