As it blows thru the Atlantic, Hurricane Dorian has all the climate changers very animated again. They live for these major weather events, which somehow never occurred before we started keeping records.
Meanwhile, as they’re pushing their globalist agenda (i.e., only the U.N. will be able save us from the climate by eliminating national borders and redistributing wealth on a global basis), our youth are being literally traumatized by their scare tactics. In a recent article for the Heartland Institute, H. Sterling Burnett discusses this troubling development ~
Among the most perverse and dangerous consequences of the “climate delusion” being hyped almost daily by the fake news mass media is the havoc it is wreaking on the health and psychological well-being of children of all ages […]
Children and youths are regularly told humans, collectively, but especially people in industrialized nations, are carbon criminals causing planet-killing climate change, and to save the Earth, people must do with less, give up travel, stop eating certain nutritious foods they like, stop enjoying activities they enjoy that require them to use energy, cars, lights, and boats, and by all means, don’t have children, which are nothing more nor less than waste producers: unnecessary and unwelcome new sources of carbon dioxide emissions.
How nefarious is this indoctrination? Burnett reports that “a whole new branch of psychology has arisen to deal with the mental difficulties resulting from publicizing the climate delusion: ecopsychology.” Pathetic. And tragic, because it’s based on a hoax.
Repeatedly and loudly tell people they are worthless, they are nothing more than a drain on resources, or have no future, and many come to believe it. In turn, they begin to despair, give into hopelessness or depression, exhibit forms of mental illness, or lash out at others and society at large, telling others the same harmful things they’ve been indoctrinated with, continuing the cycle of abuse.
Burnett concludes his article with a plea for sanity ~
For the children’s sake, its long past time to stop promoting the delusional assertion there is a consensus humans are causing catastrophic climate change that will soon leave them scrabbling to survive on a withered husk of a planet (within 10, 12, 50, or 100 years—pick your favorite end-of-the-world expiration date being promoted by various climate charlatans and hucksters). Please stop indoctrinating kids with the lie that only by eschewing their own self-developed and -directed individual hopes and dreams for better lives, and instead ceding control to self-anointed climate seers and czars pushing policies like the Green New Deal or international treaties like the Paris climate accord—which are nothing more than top-down, big government, authoritarian cradle-to-grave programs cloaked in a humanitarian-sounding green veneer—can they save themselves and the planet from doom.
Please, for the sake of the children, their mental health, and physical well-being, acknowledge climate change has always happened and will continue to happen, and that human beings, now as in the past, can adapt to those changes and, within broad limits, adapt nature to better serve our ends, leaving the next generation better off than the previous, ad infinitum into the future.
“Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds
it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” ~ Joseph Stalin
Climate Alarmists Foiled: No U.S. Warming Since 2005 ~
When American climate alarmists claim to have witnessed the effects of global warming, they must be referring to a time beyond 14 years ago.
That is because there has been no warming in the United States since at least 2005, according to updated data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Scientists Prove Man-Made Global Warming Is a Hoax ~
(W)hat this study proves is that there is nothing we can do to stop the Earth’s naturally occurring climate cycles. Even the worst of the worst, even the most maniacal pushing the Global Warming Hoax admit that, at best, we can only cool the planet a couple of degrees, which will do next to nothing if the planet is determined to again warm itself by seven degrees, as we now know it did 2,999,998 years before the Bad Orange Man approved a couple of pipelines.