Continuing Delusions of Islamist “Democracy”

Even in the wake of the Muslim Brotherhood’s victory in Egypt’s presidential election, the Obama administration and their sock puppets in the mainstream media still want Americans to buy the myth of emerging democracy in that country. Reality is not allowed to creep into the narrative. So we must pretend that what’s actually happening on the ground in Egypt… well… isn’t.
For instance, via Jihad Watch ~
Egypt: Muslims force Christians out of church during prayer, police advise priest to comply ~

Muslims in the village of Basra in Alexandria, Egypt, surrounded the local Coptic church, St. Lyons, during divine liturgy, “demanding that visiting Copts leave the church before the completion of prayers, and threatening to burn down the church if their demand was not met.”

Democracy in action? 😯
Nope. Just part of the bigger picture. From the Investigative Project on Terrorism, here are The Hood’s real goals~

Brotherhood Has Egyptian Caliphate Plans:
According to an Arabic-language report last Tuesday of a closed-door senior-level Brotherhood confab, the Islamist group intends to get rid of film and “artistic heritage,” replace police uniforms with “Islamic garb,” and make memorization of Islam’s holy book a pre-condition for advancement in school. These sweeping changes—dubbed the “Jazira Plan”—are to “be put into execution on the first day Dr. [Mohamed] Morsi assumes the presidency.”
The first step in the plan is to “replace the national anthem with the so-called anthem of the Islamic Caliphate,” soon after followed by “the abolition of the Ministry of Information and replacing it with an Islamic media organization” whose sole aim would be to “publish Islamic heritage only.”

Which only makes sense considering ~

Creed of the Muslim Brotherhood:
Allah is our objective
The Prophet is our leader
Qur’an is our law
Jihad is our way
Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope


Of course the Brotherhood is as skilled at concealing their true ambitions as Barack Obama himself has been…

The [Jazira] plan speaks to the Brotherhood’s deep-seated, and oft-referenced, “dream” of reinstating the Caliphate. Yet, when pressed to expound upon its goals by an unfriendly audience or in the West, the group instead turns ambiguous, speaking in terms of Western concepts of freedom, dignity, and justice.


History teaches us that a certain degree of delusion – denial of reality – is required by those with totalitarian aims. News that doesn’t fit the desired narrative must be buried, shrugged off, or ignored entirely. Stories like this: Member of Egyptian Terror Group Goes to Washington.
Last week a group of Egyptian legislators were in D.C. to meet with senior Obama administration officials to apparently exchange ideas on the future of relations between the two countries.
Strangely enough, included in the delegation was one Hani Nour Eldin, newly elected member of the Egyptian parliament – and member of…

…the Gamaa Islamiya, or the Egyptian Islamic Group—a U.S.-designated terrorist organization. The group was banned under former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, and is now a recognized Islamist political party. Its spiritual leader, Omar Abdel Rahman—also known as the “blind sheik”—was convicted in 1995 of plotting attacks on New York City landmarks and transportation centers, and is serving a life sentence in a North Carolina federal prison.

Well isn’t that special?
Hillary Clinton’s State Department arranged for the visit, according to a department spokesman. Yet by U.S. law, the very fact that Eldin is an avowed member of a terrorist organization means he would be denied a visa to enter the country.
But what the heck, Holder’s DOJ doesn’t let a silly thing like the rule of law get in their way, why should State?
So, no biggie, they just issued a visa to a terrorist.
A State Department spokesman said, “We have no information suggesting that he or anyone else in the delegation is a member of the Egyptian Islamic Group.”
Willful delusion – or willfully deluding?
Either way, it doesn’t change the reality of the inherent Evils of the Muslim Brotherhood nor what the presidential election means for Egypt’s future.
Reality check: Obama’s Muslim Connection

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  1. Pingback: Morsi prays for “victory over the infidels” | Designs on the Truth

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